Located in Huntington, West Virginia, St. Mary's Medical Center and HIMG Volunteer Services is an integral part of our hospital culture.
Volunteers at St. Mary’s and HIMG are easily identified by their black jackets that say "Volunteer Services", and can be found in St. Mary's Gift Shop, surgery waiting, concierge services and on many floors throughout the medical center.
In addition to the time they donate to St. Mary's and HIMG, volunteers also raise funds for various projects at the medical center. Recently, the Auxiliary to St. Mary's provided funds for:
Many other donations have been made by the Auxiliary and will be used for future projects. Our volunteers are incredibly, and St. Mary’s wouldn’t be where it is today without these amazing men and women.
St. Mary’s offers two programs for volunteers – one for adults and one for teenagers. If you are interested in volunteering at St. Mary's or HIMG, please complete the appropriate online application form listed below. If you require a paper application, please call 304.526.1400.
*The deadline for the Summer 2024 VolunTeen program has passed. Please check back in February 2025 to apply for Summer 2025.
For more information about Volunteer Services at St. Mary’s or HIMG, call Julie Neal at 304.526.1400.